Incorporate Blogging To Increase Your Conversions

One of the most important metrics every website owner is constantly looking into is traffic.

It seems like people are striving valiantly to get as many people as they can to visit their site. Unless you are only concerned about impressions, traffic should not be the only metric to aim for. Conversion makes your website alive. Converting your visitors into clients, paying customers and subscribers cause your site will make all the difference to your site.

Think about this. Website A is huge and gets a great deal of traffic. Website B is a relatively small site with average traffic. If you set up a layout that begs readers to take action, and if you also apply the right call to actions in place on Website B, it can easily surpass the performance of Website A. At the end of the day, the site that receives more work and care will have better traffic and conversion rates.

Hubspot has reported that blog posts help you gain 55% more visitors than doing nothing. This means if you do not join the blogging bandwagon, you are missing out on possible valuable conversions.

Sharing blogs on your company website helps you highlight your products or services in depth. It is also a fantastic opportunity to share reviews, case studies, and testimonials. You may also engage with your customers through your blog posts. On top of that, blogging helps you rank well on search engines.

Below are some of the blogging tips to follow to help your visitors opt-in and boost your conversion rate.

Share Important Information

Your products and services can tell a story. Blogging about the necessary details your visitors should know about will show accountability and responsibility. For example, if you are selling sportswear, you can publish articles about sports bras and the styles that work for a big-breasted woman.

Sharing articles about how to use a specific workout gear will also help your customers discover the purpose of your products. Your company will appear professional, and this will encourage your visitors to make a purchase.

Write About Hot Topics

There are so many topics to write about. However, blogging requires you to publish relevant posts. People out there are looking for answers and they want to hear from the experts. By writing about important or controversial topics, you present yourself as one of the trustworthy sources of information.

For example, you can debunk myths and disprove assumptions with case studies. You do not have to conduct your own research. Collecting pieces of information from reliable sources and citing them properly is enough.

Integrate Videos

At times, people prefer to watch a video than to read a lengthy article. You can take your blog a step further by posting high-quality videos. It has been studies that showing videos do not just affect your engagement, it also showed promising results for your conversion rate, especially when a video is placed on one of your landing pages.

Be Thorough with Information

Consistency is important in blogging. However, writing long and well-thought-of articles are also important in boosting your conversion. You can definitely relate this to your personal experiences when visiting a website.

Would you rather read a 400-word article with vague details? Or would you prefer to read a 2000-word post that can provide you with a full guide of the information you need? Before you work on a lengthy article, you also need to remember that fluffing your post up with unnecessary words will pull down the article’s quality.

So if you think that everything has been said in an 800-word article, you may stop right there.

Add Call To Actions

Always place call to actions at the end of your blog posts so that your visitors can easily subscribe to you. Now, you might say that not everybody will reach the end of your post. What you need to keep in mind is that anybody who has not finished reading your post would not subscribe at all. You also have the option to place a call to action in the middle of your post.

Get Your Blog To Load Faster

One of the reasons why some sites have a higher bounce rate is due to its loading speed. You see, visitors do not like to wait. Some of them would not even stay for three seconds! Think about your own experience. Are you willing to wait for a page to load? If it is a website that you love, then the situation will most likely be different. However, if you are a new visitor, waiting for 10 to 15 seconds is suspicious and unreasonable.

All things considered, you can increase your conversion rates by creating high-quality blog posts, properly placing your opt-in forms, prioritizing your call to actions and following the rest of the tips above. Remember, the site that receives more care and work will have better prospects and opportunities to grow.