What You Need To Know About Diabetic Amyotrophy

Diabetic neuropathy is divided into a few specific types of the disease. This comes from the various types of nerves present in our the body, each serving different functions. The symptoms present and cures will also be dependent on the type of neuropathy you are affected with, but controlling them is more likely the same – by managing diabetes properly.

The neuropathy types are called proximal neuropathy (also known as diabetic amyotrophy), peripheral neuropathy (also known as distal polyneuropathy or diabetic nerve pain), focal neuropathy (also known as mononeuropathy) and autonomic neuropathy.

In this article, we will be talking about proximal neuropathy (also known as diabetic amyotrophy).

Diabetic amyotrophy or also known as proximal diabetic neuropathy is a disorder commonly caused by the complications from type 2 diabetes. But patients with type 1 diabetes can also suffer from this condition.

The second most frequent type is Proximal neuropathy, after the peripheral diabetic neuropathy, which is the most common of them all. It is often caught by older individuals with diabetes, in opposition to peripheral neuropathy that can be cured with good treatment.

The complications of this condition is notable on the buttocks, hips, legs and lower thighs. It is characterized as wasting of the muscles that cause weakness, numbness, pain and aberrations in sensations. These problems are often due to the neural damage caused by the fluctuations of the blood sugar levels of the body.

Signs and Symptoms

There are several symptoms associated with diabetic amyotrophy. People who suffer from this condition often experience unexplained weight loss and asymmetrical weakness in the lower limbs.

Sometimes, patients can experience sharp pains in the hip or thigh area and spreads through the leg. Weakness is also noticeable in the arms and is sometimes associated with muscle pains. Loss of knee reflexes can also happen.


The first signs are sharp pains and muscle weakness in hips and thighs. To determine whether diabetic amyotrophy is indeed present, electrodiagnostic studies are often conducted by the doctor, being nerve conduction studies and electromyogram as the most common ones.

Doctors may also opt for lumbar puncture and MRI scans to check for spinal cord fluid inflammation or to find out if the nerves around the spine are compressed.


For patients who suffer from type 1 and type 2 diabetes, it is important that you keep good control over your blood sugar levels. This means following all your doctor’s orders and staying away from any vices like smoking or drinking alcohol.

Doctors will also prescribe some antiepileptic, immunosuppressants and steroids. Many patients eventually recover after treatment depending on the severity of the nerve damage. Keep in mind that early intervention will prevent permanent nerve damage, slow down the deterioration process and perpetuate recovery.


Since muscle wasting is an issue, it is essential that you stay active under the supervision of a professional. There is also loss of sensation on the feet therefore injury can easily occur. On top of that, recovery in usually takes time, especially when the condition has already progressed.

Your doctor will most likely refer you to a physical therapist to hasten your recovery and improve your functional mobility. A physical therapist can also provide detailed instructions to the patients on how to use rehab devices when necessary.

Control and Prevention

The best way to treat and prevent this condition is to control your blood sugar levels. Eating habits should be altered and your diet should consist of low carbohydrates and healthy fats.

It is also important that you participate in physical activities like exercising regularly and avoid drinking alcohol or smoking. Maintaining an ideal weight is also necessary in controlling and preventing complications.

Diabetes is a whole-body, whole-person disease and is best treated when you have a team of professionals to guide you on what to do. This can include your doctor along with a nutritionist, dentist, pharmacist, physical therapist and others.

It is also important to let your family and friends get involved. They can offer you their support and help you stay motivated to stick to your health plans.

Transform Email Into Powerful Online Sales Presentations

PointDrive, email sales presentationWhen email became readily available to the public in the early 1990’s it changed the way sales people interacted with clients, potential clients and possible leads. The door-to-door salesman quickly faded and instead a new world of opportunities surfaced.

Since that time, nothing has shaken the business world to that next level as email did in the 90’s, until now…

PointDrive, a Chicago based company, has established a solid foundation transforming emails into powerful online sales presentations. Below are five reasons why I love PointDrive:

1. PointDrive and LinkedIn1. Technical Integrations

PointDrive easily pulls information from LinkedIn, Google Contacts and Dropbox. This makes all my critical contact information and documents easily accessible while creating each of my presentations. The Google Contacts integration is a handy way to streamline which contacts I want to send a presentation to.

2. Personalized Content

You can tailor your presentations for specific audiences. Targeted and personalized marketing techniques are hot in the business world right now so being able to create presentations with numerous audiences in mind will help create those essential lasting relationships.

3. Mobile Friendly

Displays information beautifully on any device. When it comes to increasing sales in business, traveling is a close companion. Finding the right spot to hunker down in an airport and work on a laptop can be a challenge. With PointDrive, information can be comfortably viewed on any device.

4. Easy on the Eyes

Just as fast as sending email, yet organized in a straightforward, clean presentation for your client’s eyes. Clients will often decide if they want to advance your relationship to the next level within 30 seconds of viewing an email. Why not sway them to decide even faster in your favor by hooking them as soon as they open.

PointDrive, Insight alerts, daily activity5. ALERT! ALERT!

My all-time favorite thing about PointDrive is the alerts you get at various stages after sending your presentation. You know exactly when it’s delivered, when it’s opened and even if the recipient hasn’t viewed the presentation within 72 hours so you can try resending it.

And once your prospect has opened your presentation you’ll know what they clicked on, the pages they’ve spent the most time on and more! I could geek out about this all day but I’ll spare you. In short, this is a great tool when learning what your clients are interested in, along with who will need additional follow-up.

The business world is constantly evolving in order to meet the demands of clients along with rising above the competition.

PointDrive is a sales tool that helps you create crisp presentations allowing you to close the deal faster and build solid long-lasting relationships. What are you waiting for? Join me in the next fastest growing movement in the business world with PointDrive.

Taking Care of Your Aging and Aching Back

There are some people are not aware of this, but the spine starts to age and undergo degenerative changes when you hit your early twenties already. Unfortunately, this matter persists throughout your life.

The only way to prevent back issues to radiate to other medical problems is to take care of your health starting today. The degenerative changes that naturally occur in the spine cause pain. It may start in your shoulders, work its way to your back and later radiate to your legs.

One of the most common spine problems that specialists frequently encounter is arthritis. It is often found in the spine of 50-year-old people, and some experience no symptoms at all.

According to a spine specialist Dr. Kush Goyal, “The percentage of patients with a significant amount of degenerative changes increases as people age”. The change is found in the discs or the spongy cartilage that separates and cushions your vertebra from one another. An MRI scan can be performed to identify its size, height, color and water content.

When does a painful back merit a visit to your physician’s office? According to Dr. Goya, here are four red flags to watch out for:

  1. Clumsiness
  2. Pain that lasts for weeks to months
  3. Significant changes in your bladder and bowel movements
  4. Evident and progressive weakness

To avoid suffering from the consequences of degenerative discs, it is important that you take the necessary actions to maintain a healthy spine and back, especially when you are already in your 50’s.

Stay Physically Active

To keep your spine healthy and pain free, you need to work on your muscle strength to support your posture and weight. Activities like strength training and yoga will help improve your core.

Lose Weight or Maintain and Ideal Body Weight

Every excess pound adds pressure and tension to your spine and muscles. To help relieve the pressure off, you need to lose and maintain a healthy weight.

Stop Smoking

This is perhaps mentioned countless times in every health book or health-related article.

Smoking causes detrimental consequences to your health. It also affects the healing time of your spine and can possibly make the situation worse. As every medication, injection and surgery is impacted by smoking, it is best to completely give up this bad habit.

Nutrition Is Key

Supplementing your body with essential nutrients helps your body prevent and heal injuries faster. Focus on a diet that is composed of fruits, vegetables, lean meat, healthy fats and whole grains. Take your daily multivitamins to make sure that you get every nutritional parts your body needs.

If you are already suffering from back pain, you cannot just assume that it will go away by itself. There are treatments and prevention methods that you can pursue to get your life back.

Find A Comfortable Mattress

Posture while you are asleep also matters for back pain prevention. If your bed is older than six years, consider replacing it. Find a mattresses that provides neck, shoulder and spine support. They can be pricey, but it will definitely help you ease the pain.

Find A Therapist

If your back pain has been ongoing for months, it is best to get a referral from your primary care physician to see a chiropractor. Chiropractic care is beneficial in correcting spinal any misalignment.

You can also see a physical therapist or a massage therapist to help you with pain management.

Back pain caused by degeneration and age is a serious matter and no one should take it lightly. It may start as a simple discomfort but it can easily radiate to health problems that can hinder you from performing regular tasks such as sleeping, walking, standing and driving.

If you are asking “Will I suffer from back pain when I get older”, the answer is probably yes. But if you take the necessary preventative steps, the answer can be a no instead.

College Fraternities and Sororities

Going to college means entering a new chapter of being a student. College life is composed of activities and learning that are hugely different from high school. When we enter college, we always ask if we should join a fraternity or a sorority.

Fraternities and Sororities exist in many universities. Most people who are involved in this kind of organizations are college students and most of these fraternities and sororities have Greek letter names. Regarding our question of whether we should join a fraternity or sorority, my advice is to think of these few things first.

If you are entering fraternities and sororities because you feel like you have to, then you must think again. It is true that being a member of a fraternity and sorority can give you a lot of amazing experiences and you will also meet many people and make friendships that will last for the rest of your life, but sadly, many college fraternities and sororities have become a serious problem within the past few years in many campuses from all over the world.

These kind of school organizations have increased in numbers and have become well established under the eyes of the school authorities, who have suddenly realized that they are dealing with a force that is not easy to control and even less easy to remove from the environment of the school.

Fraternities and sororities need your loyalty and solidarity for the organization, so you need to balance you time for your studies and the fraternity or sorority’s activities. If this is something that sounds like it would be too much of a commitment for you, then you should think again and again if you really want to be a part of it.

Fraternities and sororities want people to be very dedicated to them so that if they will tell you the organization’s top secrets, they can rest assured that you will never let them down. Sometimes you may be forced into unhealthy binge drinking activities.

At the end of the day, the decision is still in your hands, but I want you to bear all these in mind. You must always remember that you don’t have to hurry things because college can be fun with or without these fraternities and sororities.

Enjoying University

We always find depressing news when we watch the news or check our social networking profile’s web feeds because, in the last few months, we have been saddened by the continuing cases of college students who are committing suicide because of the problems that they are going through.

College is a very complicated and very serious stage of teenagers’ lives as students because in this level, if you will not make good of your studies, there is a big possibility that all of your sacrifices will be for naught. In this part of our life we will also encounter many emotional changes, especially for those teens that are away from their families and friends.

For those students out there who are separated from their families, I know it is really difficult to be in a place where all you see are strangers. It is never easy to live in a dormitory especially when there is no one you trust and know, plus you have to budget your weekly allowance to sustain all your needs from food, drinks to books, wash your clothes because your mom is not there to do it for you, and the hardest part of all is that you can’t talk to anyone about how you feel because you are pretty sure that they would not understand you.

Many college students also experience persistent bullying because of their religious affiliations, sexual orientation, and more. Because of this many students are attempting suicide. Some of them become successful at doing it and many of them are saved because of schools’ counseling programs.

For those who are still unaware, suicide is the tenth leading cause of teenagers’ death in many places all over the world. Based on studies, females attempt suicide more than males at a rate of 3:1. The most common signs of a suicidal teen are obvious changes in behavior at home and in school, loss of interest in activities, changes in appearance, and extreme and unusual behavior and dialogue.

If you have encountered these signs from your friend or even yourself, it is better to let someone know, or share this with anyone who you trust and ask for help so you can save your friend, or even yourself.

The Differences Between Nofollow and Dofollow Links

When it comes to links, whether you are linking to another site or your site is being linked to, knowing what type of link you get matters in search engine optimization (SEO). In this article, we will be talking about the difference of dofollow and nofollow links, and why using one over the other is important in Internet marketing.

Let us first understand how the search engine works.

Search engines like Google are always looking for clues about which pages in the Web are the best to feature on their search results pages. One of the factors these search engines consider is the links from other websites and which page they are linking to.

Normal links that point towards a different site are called dofollow links. This type of links passes the link juice to a page and help boost its page rank. The more natural these links appear to be, the higher it is likely to make the page rank up higher in search engines.

What is link juice? It is a digital marketing slang that refers to how powerful a certain link is. This is what many people are after to get a traffic boost to their website.

Think of it this way. Website A, an authority site, links to Website B (your website). Google knows that Website A provides reliable information and would therefore consider the pages they link to as reliable as well. This means, Website A has passed some of its link juice to your website.

A nofollow link on the other hand points to another site, but does not pass the link juice it has, as it carries the nofollow attribute in the html coding of the page where it appears. This is where people get confused. We tend to click a nofollow link and still get sent to another website. However, in the eyes of search engines, nofollow links simply points to other sites but do not transfer any link juice at all.

We can say that Website A links to your website using a nofollow link. Google knows that Website A has linked to your site but this does not help increase your page rank.

The tag “nofollow” was introduced to help reduce the likelihood of spamming in a page. Before people knew about nofollow links, they could easily go overboard and start getting links by any means necessary. Some website owners would pay people to mass link to other sites – usually abusing the comments in a page to help increase their own search engine page rank.

When search engine caught on to this tactic, they introduced the nofollow tag to prevent this activity and provide a level playing field for all websites. Most websites today automatically use nofollow links to reduce people from spamming, but there are still some people who try.

Search engines today also penalize websites that use too many dofollow links that appear spammy. Your goal here is to have organic links (or at least organic-looking links) to show that you are not manipulating your rank.

Knowing which type of links to use can be tricky. A majority of websites will try to incorporate dofollow links as this is the only way for other sites to link back to you. Make sure that your dofollow links are relevant as adding dofollow links carelessly could look spammy to search engines.

For anything that is not relevant, but you want to include links for your readers to see additional sources, using a nofollow links would be best. Other links such as affiliate links, advertising links and sponsored links should be nofollow.

You also need to be careful when mentioning your competitors on your blog or website. Be careful not to use a dofollow link so that you do not pass any of your link juice to them. Search engines experts working at Comperio Ltd companies or anywhere else understand how no-follow and do-follow links should be used.

In summary, you can use dofollow links when you want to link to relevant contents, contents that your readers or customers will find useful and internal links. As for nofollow links, you need to use these when linking to affiliate links, comments, sponsored links, irrelevant content and footer links.

To help you get more dofollow links to your website, always produce good quality and informative content. You can also guest blog to other relevant websites and link out to others who are willing to link back to you.

The omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are a family of essential fatty acids necessary for human life. They include essential fatty acids necessary to say -that the development and proper functioning of the human body, but that our body does not know how to make- and conditionally indispensable to say -that necessary for the development and proper functioning of the body human but may be manufactured from their precursor if it is supplied in the diet. Discover the role of these fatty acids and the foods containing them.

The precursor to the family of omega 3 fatty acids are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). They are said essential as necessary for the development and proper functioning of the body without it knowing how to synthesize them. It must therefore necessarily be supplied in the diet. From this compound, the body synthesizes other omega 3 fatty acids such as eicosapentaenoic acid including (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

However, the ALA to DHA conversion rate is too low to cover the human needs in DHA, it is also considered essential and must be provided by food.

What are their health effects?

Omega 3 fatty acids are necessary for the development and functioning of the retina, brain and nervous system. An adequate supply of omega 3 is essential in women of childbearing age, pregnant women, breastfeeding in women and in children.

In the cardiovascular area, scientific data also show that consumption of omega 3 fatty acids can lead to (1) a decrease in blood pressure in people with hypertension, (2) a decrease in the amount of triglycerides in the blood, a type of fat which in excess can contribute to the development of heart disease, (3) in people with prior cardiovascular pathologies, a reduction in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.

However, Scientifics remind us that the prevention of cardiovascular disease is mainly based on sanitary and dietary measures, combining a varied and balanced diet to the practice of physical activity.

Moreover, recent data show that EPA and DHA play a role in brain function in the adult subject and during aging and suggest a positive effect on maintaining mental health (depression, dementia including illness of Alzheimer), although other studies should confirm and clarify the effects of these fatty acids.

Finally, EPA and DHA are also involved in the prevention of macular degeneration (AMD). Indeed, the deficit of these fatty acids may increase the risk of AMD. This is why more and more people all over the world decide to buy omega 3supplements on a regular basis just to make sure they do not have any deficiency.

Where can you find omega 3 fatty acids?

The main foods rich in omega 3 are from terrestrial plants (walnuts, canola oil, soybeans, flax, etc.) that contain ALA and marine animals (fatty fish such as salmon , tuna, mackerel, herring, sardines and anchovies, etc.) that contain EPA and DHA.

Domestically, some oils rich in omega 3 fatty acids (mostly ALA) do not support frying and the intense heat and therefore should be used as a seasoning.

However, in developed countries it is the land animal products (meat, eggs, dairy products, etc.) that contribute mostly to the contributions because, even if they have lower levels of omega 3 fatty acids, they are consumed and more large quantities as vegetable oils and oily fish.

So always make sure you consume enough quantity of food that contain omega 3 fatty acids as mentioned above. Such compounds are crucial to maintain a healthy body and mind from the earliest to the oldest ages. You can find them in dietary supplement form in your diet in not rich enough in fish and nuts.

Au pair internship in Paris

More than 20,000 families have received an Au Pair in Paris through an agency since 1999. By an abuse of language, it is often referred to “girls” Au Pair, but this term does not exclude in any case the candidate from the male gender.

What is an Au Pair?

The term “Au Pair” refers to a young man or a young foreign girl, coming to France to improve their knowledge of French in sharing the life of a family. Investments in Au Pair in France are governed by a placement agreement Au pair of a foreign trainee assistant family.

In exchange for 30 hours of weekly child care and light housekeeping, the person placed au pair receives, lodging and pocket money. For American, Canadian or English au pair, your agency Au Pair Paris does not accompany you through your project. Because your children are also our priority, our au pair agency rigorously selects the most qualified candidate.

Au Pair Why Paris?

For the seriousness and quality of our selection of your au pair, administrative management of your file, the advice and the availability of your contacts in France or the USA. Whether the English-daughter pair, the American pair, the Canadian peer or other Anglo-Saxon countries, professionalism and experience make recruitment agency Au Pair agency in Paris a single pair in France. Au Pair Paris is the only agency in French peer to have an office in the US led by an American professional. Thanks to its formula with great service, you will appreciate the unique benefits advice and our Au Pair agency.

The websites offering to connect girls and families are no guarantee. Neither the candidates nor the families are controlled. Many girls fall without being motivated and never give an answer, girls can not get a visa at par enroll hoping that a family does not necessarily accept knowing that it is illegal; families who are poorly behaved in the past and who can no longer go through an agency will also register on the Internet.

Moreover, via the Internet, you do not have the monitoring of local correspondents nor our guidelines for living that takes place legally. Finally, we are regularly alerted to the “scams” related to free websites: nonexistent families upon arrival, family who do not pay their au pair or who ask for money to pay for the trip. Foreign host families agencies are, in turn, registered in the corresponding in the country will be carried placement.

For your departure abroad, the agencies are not UFAAP sectored … You choose the agency based on the proposed destinations, reputation, the contact you’ve had with it, its rates … Membership in the association is a more reliable because the agencies are committed to respecting a demanding quality charter.

We provide guidance to our local correspondents and families on the tasks that you may be requested, and which can not in any case be requested. Generally, in addition to child care itself (games, monitoring homework, bathing, preparing breakfast or meals for children), foster families ask young Au Pair active participation in housework .

Yes I do. The young men placement exists as well! Far fewer families willing to take the young men to look after their children, but attitudes are changing gradually. Some US agencies do not accept applications from young men given the small proportion of American families accepting them.

We strongly recommend to future boys Au Pair contact the agencies so they can receive counseling on the possibilities of acceptance of their file and/or optionally the orientation towards a more open countries to accept young men.

If the person you host does not suit you, the role of the agency UFAAP you depend on will help you solve the problem and possibly change or candidate.

Advantage and Disadvantage of an Artist Cooperative

Also in the most effective of economies, making art your complete- time job could appear a little intimidating. With the increasing costs of gallery and studio spaces, the lengthy procedure of marketing and advertising, it might make good sense to team up with other artists by joining or developing an artists participating, or artists co-op.

In this post, we’ll cover the advantages and disadvantages of artist’s cooperatives, and will provide ideas on taking advantage of the possibilities they supply.


Shared Expenses

In an artist’s co-op, numerous of the monetary hurdles dealing with individual artists can be gotten rid of as a group. Sharing a studio/gallery area, for instance, implies that you might have the ability to lease a room in a high-traffic area, rather than being delegated to a part of town that gets little foot visitor traffic.

In regards to advertising and marketing, public relations and marketing, if the members of your artist co-op agree, buying a large advertisement in a regional arts regular or printing and dispersing flyers revealing a program ends up being a lot less costly for every individual artist, though all artists in the co-op share in the prospective benefits.

When searching for your initial area, don’t sign on for a 3-year lease. Search for leasings that allow the versatility of short-term leases. Month-to-month is perfect.

Networking Opportunities

A co-op also offers the opportunity for you to broaden your network, both ears personally and skillfully. Functioning about and sharing responsibilities with various other artists suggests that you’ll be constantly introduced to others’ styles, opinions and points-of-view. Various other artists could give you with informative responses and ideas on your own work.

An additional networking chance can be found in the kind of clients or potential buyers. Each artist in the co-op most likely has a ‘following’ of clients which’ve purchased their work in the past. Throughout open homes and tours, artists will certainly have the chance to meet various other artist’s customers, expanding their own circle of potential buyers.

Consider a ‘getting-to-know-you’ event where artists’ consumers, family and friends are invited to fulfill other artists in the cooperative. You can schedule this for shortly after you’ve opened your doors’ it does not should be a big, formal occasion.

Educational Opportunities

Numerous artist’s intend to offer something back to their community-to nurture upcoming artists in their location. Yet as a specific artist, things like organizing a workshop or supplying a lesson may be difficult at best, impossible at worst. Artists co-ops can make education a part of their goal– and could boost understanding and earnings at the same time– by providing and marketing educational possibilities within their neighborhood.

Given that the responsibilities of establishing, marketing, utilizing, staffing and supporting the outreach tasks are discussed, no one person handles all of the risk (or enjoys all of the reward.).

Prior to offering recurring lessons, make use of half-day and full-day workshops to assess the passion (and willingness to pay) of your area. These workshops will certainly additionally offer you the chance to ‘engage in’ the process that will certainly be involved in running trainings.

Nonprofit Standing

Though not a replacement for insight from your tax bill expert or approved public accountant, it deserves mentioning: Several artists cooperatives have actually looked for and obtained nonprofit status. In addition to aiding protect the individual assets of every person entailed (the nonprofit is a company company, whereas a team of artists interacting is not), choosing nonprofit standing will certainly include framework to the cooperative (with the development of a board of supervisors and various other managerial placements.) Also, special government factors to consider, tax-exempt status and grants might be readily available to assist the group.

Nonprofit organizations are commonly given even more factor to consider by the media compared to their for-profit counterparts as an example, a not-for-profit has a far better opportunity of obtaining the neighborhood TELEVISION terminal to cover their workshop than a for-profit company does. Usage this standing to your advantage.


Lots Of Job

The reason why an artist’s participating jobs is because many individuals are assuming obligations within the organization, rather than one specific artist making each choice and carrying out each activity. Starting and maintaining artists cooperatives can be time consuming. From choosing and sponsoring members to getting financial resources and various other information set up to manning the gallery while it’s open, artists involved in carbon monoxide- ops frequently get to play the function of gallery owner, custodian and envelope glutton, all in the very same day.

In order for the cooperative to run efficiently, each participant should do just what she or he say they’re going to do when they said they would certainly do it. However that does not mean that artists could trade routines and activities among themselves.

Gotta Pay Your Fees

Artists cooperatives know that cash doesn’t expand on trees-it comes from each specific artist which has joined. And while your ‘share’ of the month-to-month pot will certainly likely be less than what you would certainly’ve spent by yourself, also $FIFTY a month can feel like too much if your work isn’t really marketing or you haven’t enjoyed with each choice the cooperative has made. Artists which join a participating must agree to be dues paying members for a minimum quantity of time in order to allow the cooperative to anticipate funds and plan correctly.

To compute dues, break down the overall month-to-month spending plan amount by the number of members you want your cooperative to have. Think about including an ’em ergency fund’ in your monthly spending plan amount.

Postinged Choices

Together with the discussed responsibilities come discussed selections. Since artist’s cooperatives stand for several artists, those artists need to manage to come to agreement on decisions relating to every little thing from which space to rent out to which color pattern to repaint the inside to which font to use on the advertising and marketing leaflet. If you’re used to being the master of your own domain, this shift in decision-making me feel awkward to you in the beginning.

Want to be pliable. Even amongst the very best of close friends, getting to consensus can be challenging and in most cases, a less-than-ideal choice is better compared to no choice in any way.

Posted in: Art

Best Nature Spots in Thailand

I have spent many years traveling to some of the most exotic and beautiful places in the world. In my travels I have seen the pyramids in Egypt, risen above the mighty Swiss alps, and lounged on beaches in the Mediterranean. Going through all my travels I have come to the conclusion that there is no other place as beautiful as Thailand. The majestic country of Thailand has so much to offer its visitors.

I am in love with nature and the beauty of this world. I’m the type of person who loves to be outdoors and see a country in its most natural state; I want to share with you, some of my favorite outdoor nature prone areas in Thailand. With this knowledge you will be able to truly experience Thailand in all of its beauty and have an adventure unlike anyone else who visits this glorious place.

If you are all about the wildlife, and would love to see Thailand in its most natural form and habitat; than you must come and visit Khao Sok National Park. This lush and beautiful park has everything wild that Thailand has to offer. This park has all sorts of different terrain to see from; jungles, limestone karsts, rivers, and lakes all located in the Surat Thani province in southern Thailand.

You can see a large array of plant life and different species of animals as well. All sorts of wild animals like Asian elephants, barking deer, Malaysian tapir, bears, monkeys, wild boar, and langurs. This is a must see when traveling to Thailand and should be at the top of your travel agenda.

If you are more into lounging around and getting some sun, then you cannot overlook some of the best beaches in the world located right here in Thailand. These amazing beaches with blue lagoons and white sands are located in the southern portion of Thailand. This gem of Thailand is called Phukhat and is known as the relaxation capitol of Thailand.

Take a load off and enjoy the beautiful white sand beaches overlooking some of the clearest waters in the world. Stop by Patong Beach with a great nightlife scene and many activities to go around this are a definite stop on your trip to Thailand if you’re looking for a nice tan, and some total relaxation.

Ko Hong Island is one of the most overlooked, yet amazing natural beauties within Thailand. You can only get there by boat, but once there you will feel like you have just discovered a new remote place that no one has been too. It’s a limestone island with beautiful tall cliffs. Soft sand and crystal clear water makes this a great place to lounge your day away.

The most amazing portion of this island is the lagoon that is surrounded by cliffs with only one way in by a small boat. Once inside you will feel like you are in undiscovered territory with only birds flying above your head and nature all around. This place will bring total peace and tranquility to your soul as you enjoy the beauty it has to offer.

The last spot that I would like to mention that one must visit while they are in Thailand is the Tee Lor Su. This majestic waterfall is the largest most majestic waterfall in all of Thailand. With 3 different levels you will have plenty to do on your visit here. The views are beautiful, and the waters are very clean. The best time to visit this natural wonder is after the rainy season when the current is at full strength.

I hope you come see these natural attractions on your next visit to Thailand. Remember to enjoy all that Thailand has to offer including its robust cities as well. Overall I hope you enjoy yourself on your trip.